NILD Training

“NILD works, and I am so glad that I have been able to witness its effectiveness for myself.”

Elana Peebles – Head of Curriculum Support, Springvale House (2015 – 2016)

NILD Training

Interested in joining us and training as an NILD educational therapist? Contact and we will send you a link to enable you to watch some of the NILD techniques online.


Level I is an introduction to the general field of learning disabilities and provides foundational training in the philosophy and techniques of NILD Educational Therapy®. The course prepares participants to begin giving educational therapy as interns (all NILD educational therapists are considered interns until certification).


  • Bachelor’s degree in education or a related field


Level II provides a review of introductory NILD Educational Therapy® techniques and introduces a series of techniques for advanced students to include mediated learning and questioning skills.


  • Successful completion of Level I
  • Minimum one year experience with one student


Level III develops mastery skills and provides an in-depth study of mediation, cognitive functions and information processing within NILD Educational Therapy® techniques


  • Minimum of 200 student contact hours
  • Successful completion of Levels I and II